
Infrastructure security threats are increasingly numerous and increasingly sophisticated. While the network perimeter was once clearly defined, and defending it was a question of establishing defensive walls, security threats today are elusive, and the perimeter is fluid. Technology alone is not enough; multidisciplinary skills are called for, and these are difficult to develop and to keep up to date. Information security is an on-going process that necessitates a dedicated team like ours, capable of managing its every stage.

Defensive Managed Security

We offer our customers’ organisations monitoring, intervention and existing device management services through our SOC:

Device management
SIEM Monitoring and Management
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
Vulnerability Management

Offensive Security

Vulnerability assessment

Improve existing security levels or implement new technologies; whatever the objectives, no security project is complete without periodic assessments of infrastructure, configurations, vulnerability and all the other processes required to develop an accurate status overview;

Penetration tests

A periodic simulation of internal or external perimeter attacks, alongside V.A, completes the organisation’s knowledge of its infrastructure and, further, underlines the efficiency of choices made at both technological and process levels.